Ahad, 11 November 2012

* Just a slave..*

*Saat hati kecil ini "tersentuh"....*

O' My Lord,

I miss at the moment.....
When i perform solah wif jamaah...
When my ears always heard  tazkirah tazkiyyatun nafsi...
When my akhawat friends give their "nasihah"...
When my small eyes started to tears for a " reason"..
When my deep heart always remember You and the prophet..

Oh, I miss at the moment..
Thanks God for giving me a chance to make my tears come back..
To make me "awake" from the sleepiness..
To give me a strenght from the weakness..
To make me feel more spiritual than before...
Syukran Ya Allah...

# Hati kecil ini sgt rapuh dan buntu pada pertolongan dariNya, terkadang iman itu naik, terkadang iman itu turun, namun hakikatnya adalah kita hanya insan dan hamba Allah yg biasa..We are just a slave...#


We don't ever give an excuse as we r just human being,not an angel ..Bcoz, from the "test" that He give us, we will get whether a "reward" or "sin", depends on our belief on Him..Its all about us to be a wise slave to choose the right path..its remind me another phrase....

" Mujahadah itu PAHIT kerna syurga itu MANIS"

                                        اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْحَوْرِ بَعْدَ الْكَوْرِ
Maksudnya: “Wahai Tuhanku, Aku berlindung dengan-Mu dari terpesong dari landasan yang benar setelah mendapat hidayah (Iman)”.

p/s : "berhati-hati dalam memilih jalan untuk hati, kerna takut jalan yg dipilih membinasakan hati"

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